Saturday, May 5, 2012

Monkey Hunt

Today was a wonderfully lazy Saturday. I got to sleep in a bit and enjoy a quiet morning reading.
After showering and eating some breakfast we decided to head over to the other guest house to watch some cable TV. Since Professor Cherney left early this morning the guest house is empty. We loaded up our laptops and settled in for a day of lazy TV watching. We were very productive and got quite a few things done off our list, like writing thank-yous and writing an advice log and evaluations of our students for the teachers next year.
We took a break to come back to our house for lunch. We cut the wonderful brown bread we got from the bakery yesterday. That made us sad that we haven’t been going to the bakery all this time. We mashed up an avocado with a little bit of lemon juice and garlic salt and spread it on our bread. It was so delicious!
After lunch we went back for some more TV. And then around 2:30 we took a walk with Dee to meet her friend Vincent. He lives a little ways away up the road and they met him on a run one time. He’s 29 years old and is a business man of some kind. He recently broke his femur though so he’s been to the hospital a lot recently and now trying to rehab his leg. He was a very nice guy though and we were happy to meet him. It was a hot one out today so on the walk back we were roasting! I did get stopped by a minibus call boy on the way back saying he liked me and wanted to marry me. I politely declined. J Dee also got stopped by some people in a vehicle who said they see her running a lot and the lady wanted to be Dee’s friend. Dee said she could come running with her any time. How random though…just get out of your car and ask some white person if you can be friends. This is Africa.

After our walk and visit with Vincent we went over to campus for kickball. Dave wasn’t around, although the kids were playing. We found out that he was over in the woods hunting monkeys and all the younger kids were with him. So we headed over there to join in the search. The monkeys come and eat from the students’ fields, so they are very pesky. Dave shot 2 of them but one of them got stuck in the branches of the tree and didn’t fall. The other one did fall though and as soon as it did, Given swooped in and grabbed it by the tail and ran through the woods with all the kids following him and cheering loudly. It was so funny to watch; I was cracking up so much! It was so cute because some of the younger kids got very scared by the loud gunshots so they hung very close to me for “protection”. Aubrey was the most scared and hung back by the houses, even after the monkeys had been shot. So I went over to him and he came right to me and sat on my lap. I had little Maggie hanging on the other leg just cuddling and watching the monkey action. The monkey hunt and trek through the woods really tired Aubrey out so he fell asleep on my lap. Love these kids!

After the excitement of the hunt we came home for supper. We had stir fry, spaghetti and grilled chicken. Everything tasted delicious tonight. The veggies were more flavorful because we cooked them longer and the pasta was better since we got better pasta sauce.
Since we finished Friends last night we decided to go back to season1 and start over, so we did that after supper and got a few episodes in.
I’m so looking forward to going to Bethel again tomorrow. It’s been a while since we’ve been there…I’ve missed it!

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