Tuesday, April 17, 2012

CELC Day 2

Today was very similar to yesterday. We woke up and went to the opening service for the conference. We sat in the back and enjoyed being part of the service. Mrs. Hartmann did a wonderful job on the “organ”. The sermon was really, really good as well. A Zambian pastor did it and it was about using our different gifts in the church whether that be preaching, teaching, serving or whatever; realizing that they are a gift from God, and using them to build each other up. It was just a very well organized sermon with some wonderful points!

After the service I spent the afternoon reading and enjoying some peace and quiet. Then we headed over to help Anne again. We did some more dishes and helped peel potatoes and carrots. That took a few hours, but I love helping! Then we went to choir and this time decided to do more watching and videoing than singing. There were only 8 people there total so the videos would have sounded better if everyone was there. Maybe I’ll get some more another day. Before too long, Pastor Sargent called and said everyone was playing volleyball again. So we left choir to go play. I had a wonderful team today and we ended up winning a lot of the games!
I also had a nice chat with Pastors Matina and Mbonga (spelling?) both from the Mwembeshi area. They are both just extremely nice. Pastor Mbonga knows Dad so he likes to call me “daughter Wendland”.

After volleyball we had a quick supper of leftover spaghetti before going over to help Dee with fellowship night round 2. We helped set out tonight's snacks of trail mix, a party mix with pretzel/cracker type things, and caramel popcorn that Dee made. It was so good. And the bad thing about being snack servers means that we hung around the snack table all night munching.

I got to see my cousin Rob today who is here from Malawi for conference. I saw him this morning at the service but didn’t get a chance to say hi. So I got to chat with him for a while tonight. It was good seeing him. If our standby flights to Luangwa don’t work tomorrow or Thursday then we’ll end up catching a ride with Rob up to Chipata on his way back to Malawi.

Tomorrow is an up in the air kind of day. We’ll either be flying to South Luangwa, or doing more of what we’ve done the past few days if we don’t get on a flight standby. So it’ll be an adventure!


  1. Look at the first word of your post. Is that intentional? :)

    Explain how this standby flight works...! Is it a small plane that lands right in the park?

  2. Could you tell that I was tired when I wrote that? :)
    I fixed it now.

    Ok so the standby flight: you go in and tell the charter airplane company that you want to fly standby. Then you just wait and see if they have room on the plane for you. It's a lot cheaper this way. The flight lands in Mfuwe, that little town outside the park, and then someone from the Wildlife Camp will come pick us up from there.
