I woke up once again thinking I was going on a game drive. I wonder how long it’ll take before I stop thinking about Luangwa.
We taught English this morning at 8. It seems like it’s been ages since we last taught. There were some issues to figure out as far as where we would actually hold class. Because of the continuing education classes still going on these next two weeks, we can’t use Bethel. We thought maybe having class under the tent, but we didn’t want to be disruptive if the pastors came back for a break between class. So we went over to Vicar Moyo’s house. They aren’t occupying some of the rooms so we set up a table and desks in there. Because it was a fairly small room to try to “battle teach” with each other, we taught the ladies as a whole group today. Some of my ladies are still helping out Anne in the kitchen as well, so we only had about 5 ladies today total. We’ll see if we get more tomorrow.
Today was spent working on dictation exercises and showing them pictures of our trip. We showed 3 different sequences of 3 pictures, describing our trip or what we learned about different animals and then asked some comprehension questions after that. I think they enjoyed that. We like sharing what we’ve been doing and it’s nice to teach them other things sometimes as well.
No tutoring today because we figured we’d give the kids a little break since they have off from school as well. We also weren’t sure what day we’d be back from Luangwa exactly either, so we gave them off through Tuesday just in case. Tomorrow we’ll start up our regular routine again, except no preschool until May because they get a holiday.
So after English finished at 10 we were done for the day. We originally thought about going to Dream Valley to swim for the day, but we both didn’t have a strong desire to swim since we just swam at Luangwa; we’d mainly be going so we could enjoy the sunshine, which we could do in our backyard. It was also a pretty windy day today. So instead we decided to head into town and eat lunch, buy some ink for our printer and catch a movie.
We ate at Curry in a Hurry and I ordered chicken curry and garlic naan. It was kind of bizarre because it didn’t come with rice. Maybe I was supposed to order that separately…? Oh well, it was still good when dipping the naan into the chicken curry sauce.
We’ve tried buying ink twice before and each time we’ve gone in we haven’t been sure what ink cartridge to get. The first time we just went in thinking we could buy ink, but didn’t realize there were two different types according to what printer we had. So the next time we went in we brought in the instruction manual from the printer thinking it would say it on there, but it didn’t. So this time we took the cartridge out of the printer to check for ourselves and were finally successful. The lady in the store must think we are the dumbest Americans around. J
After lunch we went up for the movie. We finally were going to see the Hunger Games! We were so excited.
The movie was so fantastic! The sound quality of the theater at Manda Hill is a lot better than Arcades. The movie was just so great; we couldn’t stop talking about how much we enjoyed it. Once again, being in such a modern theater watching one of the newest released movies was kind of surreal. The only slightly annoying thing was that we couldn’t pick our seats, so they usher you to your seat and of course the other 10 people who were at the movie were all put in our same row as well. You’d think with the whole theater empty they could have spread us out a little bit. It didn’t detract from the awesomeness of the movie though.
After the usual harrowing minibus ride home, we made supper. We were quite impressed with our cooking skills today. We made rice, and grilled chicken with onions and garlic and we made a homemade sweet and sour sauce to go with it, along with some fried green peppers, tomatoes and onions. So delicious! It was just such a wonderful day.
Ruth and I went to see the Hunger Games on my birthday in BD :)